Vision Statement

Vision Statement

The importance of the ‘Whitnash Family’

is at the heart of everything we do because

Whitnash Primary cares deeply for our

pupils, staff and community.

 We want our children to thrive.

We have high aspirations for all our pupils,

and we nurture their achievement

and progress through relentless positivity.

We care about our children’s future and

because of this, we are committed to

ensuring that all children achieve highly,

regardless of their starting point,

through our enriched

and inclusive curriculum.

 We instil the values of caring,

empathy and kindness

and are a consistent model of

‘unconditional positive regard’ for all. 

We teach our children the importance of

relationships and these essential life skills

and promote everybody’s right to learn,

to be respected and listened to,

and to feel safe and be safe.

These values and ambitions are

embedded in our culture and ethos at

Whitnash Primary School.

We are proud of our school,

what we have achieved,

and our ambition for the future.

The importance of the ‘Whitnash Family’ is at the heart of everything we do because Whitnash Primary cares deeply for our pupils, staff and community.

 We want our children to thrive. We have high aspirations for all our pupils,

and we nurture their achievement and progress through relentless positivity.

We care about our children’s future and because of this, we are committed

to ensuring that all children achieve highly,

regardless of their starting point, through our enriched and inclusive curriculum.

 We instil the values of caring, empathy and kindness and are a consistent model

of ‘unconditional positive regard’ for all. 

We teach our children the importance of relationships and these essential life skills

and promote everybody’s right to learn,

to be respected and listened to, and to feel safe and be safe.

 These values and ambitions are embedded in our culture and ethos

at Whitnash Primary School.

We are proud of our school, what we have achieved, and our ambition for the future.

The importance of the ‘Whitnash Family’ is at the heart of everything we do because Whitnash Primary cares deeply for our pupils, staff and community.

 We want our children to thrive. We have high aspirations for all our pupils, and we nurture their achievement and progress through relentless positivity.

We care about our children’s future and because of this, we are committed to ensuring that all children achieve highly,

regardless of their starting point, through our enriched and inclusive curriculum.

 We instil the values of caring, empathy and kindness and are a consistent model of ‘unconditional positive regard’ for all. 

We teach our children the importance of relationships and these essential life skills and promote everybody’s right to learn,

to be respected and listened to, and to feel safe and be safe.

 These values and ambitions are embedded in our culture and ethos at Whitnash Primary School.

We are proud of our school, what we have achieved, and our ambition for the future.

To achieve this aim, the school will......

......bring the best out of our children by:

  • involving them in their own learning
  • helping them know what they can do and what they need to learn next
  • using different styles of teaching to ensure learning is always interesting, engaging and fun
  • providing our children with a safe and fun environment to learn about nature and the world around them
  • listening to the children and responding flexibly so those different abilities can all work at an appropriate pace and to their potential
  • encouraging the children to ask questions
  • helping the children to understand and adopt a healthy physically active and environmentally friendly lifestyle


......ensure our children have a fulfilling time at Whitnash Primary by:


  • making sure they are happy and safe
  • nurturing their self esteem and confidence
  • teaching them the importance of respecting and valuing other people and their environment including good behaviour and politeness
  • seizing opportunities beyond the national curriculum to enhance our children's development
  • enhancing pupils' knowledge of the environment and thereby fostering an awareness of the need to conserve and care for its resources

......prepare our children as fully as possible for the next stage of their lives so that,

    when they leave us they:

  • have reached their academic and all-round potential
  • are eager to keep on learning
  • are inquisitive about their world
  • are confident in their relations with other people
  • are willing and able to make a positive contribution
  • have a strong sense of responsibility

To achieve this aim, the school will......

......bring the best out of our children by:

  • involving them in their own learning
  • helping them know what they can do and what they need to learn next
  • using different styles of teaching to ensure learning is always interesting, engaging and fun
  • providing our children with a safe and fun environment to learn about nature and the world around them
  • listening to the children and responding flexibly so those different abilities can all work at an appropriate pace and to their potential
  • encouraging the children to ask questions
  • helping the children to understand and adopt a healthy physically active and environmentally friendly lifestyle


......ensure our children have a fulfilling time at Whitnash Primary by:


  • making sure they are happy and safe
  • nurturing their self esteem and confidence
  • teaching them the importance of respecting and valuing other people and their environment including good behaviour and politeness
  • seizing opportunities beyond the national curriculum to enhance our children's development
  • enhancing pupils' knowledge of the environment and thereby fostering an awareness of the need to conserve and care for its resources

......prepare our children as fully as possible for the next stage of their lives so that,

    when they leave us they:

  • have reached their academic and all-round potential
  • are eager to keep on learning
  • are inquisitive about their world
  • are confident in their relations with other people
  • are willing and able to make a positive contribution
  • have a strong sense of responsibility

To achieve this aim, the school will......

......bring the best out of our children by:

  • involving them in their own learning
  • helping them know what they can do and what they need to learn next
  • using different styles of teaching to ensure learning is always interesting, engaging and fun
  • providing our children with a safe and fun environment to learn about nature and the world around them
  • listening to the children and responding flexibly so those different abilities can all work at an appropriate pace and to their potential
  • encouraging the children to ask questions
  • helping the children to understand and adopt a healthy physically active and environmentally friendly lifestyle


......ensure our children have a fulfilling time at Whitnash Primary by:


  • making sure they are happy and safe
  • nurturing their self esteem and confidence
  • teaching them the importance of respecting and valuing other people and their environment including good behaviour and politeness
  • seizing opportunities beyond the national curriculum to enhance our children's development
  • enhancing pupils' knowledge of the environment and thereby fostering an awareness of the need to conserve and care for its resources

......prepare our children as fully as possible for the next stage of their lives so that,

    when they leave us they:

  • have reached their academic and all-round potential
  • are eager to keep on learning
  • are inquisitive about their world
  • are confident in their relations with other people
  • are willing and able to make a positive contribution
  • have a strong sense of responsibility

Page last updated 130824

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