New Parents
New Parents
Thank you for your interest in
Whitnash Primary School
Thank you for your interest in Whitnash Primary School
We want this to be the beginning
of a happy and successful time for your child
and a supportive partnership with you.
However, we recognise that starting school,
whether it is starting Reception or
moving from another school,
can be an anxious time
for both children and parents/carers.
We hope that this information provides you
with practical information
and some useful advice to help make
your child’s transition as smooth as possible.
If there are any questions that remain
unanswered or you have any concerns
please do not hesitate to contact us.
We want this to be the beginning of a happy and successful time for your child
and a supportive partnership with you.
However, we recognise that starting school,
whether it is starting Reception or moving from another school,
can be an anxious time for both children and parents/carers.
We hope that this information provides you with practical information
and some useful advice to help make your child’s transition as smooth as possible.
If there are any questions that remain unanswered or you have any concerns
please do not hesitate to contact us.
We want this to be the beginning of a happy and successful time for your child and a supportive partnership with you.
However, we recognise that starting school, whether it is starting Reception or moving from another school,
can be an anxious time for both children and parents/carers.
We hope that this information provides you with practical information
and some useful advice to help make your child’s transition as smooth as possible.
If there are any questions that remain unanswered or you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact us.
It is very important to make sure that
your child attends school every day
as any day missed is a lost opportunity
for them to make progress in their learning.
There are times, however, when your child may
not be able to attend school due to illness.
We ask that parents inform the school
as soon as possible.
Punctuality is also very important.
Your child must be in school by
8.55am for registration.
Persistent lateness and absences
will be recorded and will be reported to the
Local Authority Education Welfare Officer.
If your child needs to leave school
during the day for any reason,
i.e. doctors, hospital appointment,
a note or telephone call is essential
explaining the reasons why.
It is very important to make sure that your child attends school every day
as any day missed is a lost opportunity for them to make progress in their learning.
There are times, however, when your child may not be able to attend school due to illness.
We ask that parents inform the school as soon as possible.
Punctuality is also very important.
Your child must be in school by 8.55am for registration.
Persistent lateness and absences will be recorded and will be reported to the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer.
If your child needs to leave school during the day for any reason,
i.e. doctors, hospital appointment, a note or telephone call is essential explaining the reasons why.
The Curriculum
Whitnash Primary School provides education
for children in three stages:
Early Years Foundation Stage
Reception: 4 to 5 year olds
Key Stage 1
Year 1: 5 to 6 year olds
Year 2: 6 to 7 year olds
Key Stage 2
Year 3: 7 to 8 year olds
Year 4: 8 to 9 year olds
Year 5: 9 to 10 year olds
Year 6: 10 to 11 year olds
Whitnash Primary School provides education for children in three stages:
Early Years Foundation Stage
Reception: 4 to 5 year olds
Key Stage 1
Year 1: 5 to 6 year olds
Year 2: 6 to 7 year olds
Key Stage 2
Year 3: 7 to 8 year olds
Year 4: 8 to 9 year olds
Year 5: 9 to 10 year olds
Year 6: 10 to 11 year olds
A poem
For those parents who have children
starting school for the first time,
please read this poem.
For those parents who have children starting school for the first time, please read this poem.
Parental Involvement
Being a parent is one of the most vital,
and sometimes one of the most
undervalued jobs in the world.
We believe that you are your child's first
and most important educators.
We encourage parental involvement
in all aspects of school life.
There is a half-termly
class newsletter to keep
you informed of the learning happening
in your child's class,
together with a weekly newsletter
telling you
of forthcoming events, notices etc.
Parents are invited into school each Friday
to join in with our 'Achievement Assembly'.
There are three
Parent Consultation Evenings
arranged each year
to meet with your child's teacher,
see your child's work
and to discuss their progress.
Friends of Whitnash Primary School
We have a very strong group of parents
who work very hard each year
to raise funds
to help fund resources for school.
Parents and carers are very welcome
to come along to the meetings
and join the
Friends of Whitnash Primary School.
Being a parent is one of the most vital, and sometimes one of the most undervalued jobs in the world.
We believe that you are your child's first and most important educators.
We encourage parental involvement in all aspects of school life.
There is a half-termly class newsletter to keep you informed of the learning happening in your child's class,
together with a weekly newsletter telling you of forthcoming events, notices etc.
Parents are invited into school each Friday to join in with our 'Achievement Assembly'.
There are three Parent Consultation Evenings arranged each year to meet with your child's teacher,
see your child's work and to discuss their progress.
Friends of Whitnash Primary School
We have a very strong group of parents who work very hard each year
to raise funds to help fund resources for school.
Parents and carers are very welcome to come along to the meetings
and join the Friends of Whitnash Primary School.
Being a parent is one of the most vital, and sometimes one of the most undervalued jobs in the world.
We believe that you are your child's first and most important educators.
We encourage parental involvement in all aspects of school life.
There is a half-termly class newsletter to keep you informed of the learning happening in your child's class,
together with a weekly newsletter telling you of forthcoming events, notices etc.
Parents are invited into school each Friday to join in with our 'Achievement Assembly'.
There are three Parent Consultation Evenings arranged each year to meet with your child's teacher,
see your child's work and to discuss their progress.
Friends of Whitnash Primary School
We have a very strong group of parents who work very hard each year to raise funds to help fund resources for school.
Parents and carers are very welcome to come along to the meetings and join the Friends of Whitnash Primary School.
Free School Meals
If you think that your child
may be entitled to
receive free school meals please collect
a form from the school office.
For further information please contact
If you think that your child may be entitled to receive free school meals
please collect a form from the school office.
For further information please contact
If you think that your child may be entitled to receive free school meals please collect a form from the school office.
For further information please contact
Recognising Effort
Children's confidence and wish to learn
is based on their knowledge
of what they can do.
When they can nearly do something,
a bit of encouragement and enthusiasm
can make a big difference.
This is much more helpful to children
than doing something for them.
If they are successful in the end - then the
effort is worth making and they will get into
the habit of trying hard.
It is therefore important that you recognise,
value and praise your child's efforts
as well as their skills and achievement.
Positive encouraging statements can raise
your child's self esteem and
their desire to learn.
Children's confidence and wish to learn is based on their knowledge of what they can do.
When they can nearly do something, a bit of encouragement and enthusiasm can make a big difference.
This is much more helpful to children than doing something for them.
If they are successful in the end - then the effort is worth making
and they will get into the habit of trying hard.
It is therefore important that you recognise, value and praise your child's efforts
as well as their skills and achievement.
Positive encouraging statements can raise your child's self esteem and their desire to learn.
Children's confidence and wish to learn is based on their knowledge of what they can do.
When they can nearly do something, a bit of encouragement and enthusiasm can make a big difference.
This is much more helpful to children than doing something for them.
If they are successful in the end - then the effort is worth making and they will get into the habit of trying hard.
It is therefore important that you recognise, value and praise your child's efforts as well as their skills and achievement.
Positive encouraging statements can raise your child's self esteem and their desire to learn.
Breakfast Club
Each academic year, vacant spaces made
available by Year 6 leavers,
will be offered to new parents of the
forthcoming new reception in-take.
Parents will be given the opportunity
to register interest for siblings
e.g. by stating how many places
they require for their family.
Notification of these spaces
and the deadline
for ‘Expression of Interest’,
will be sent out to new parents
following the New Parent Meeting
in the Summer Term.
Parents will be requested to return their
interest paper reply slips by a set date
and will be date and time stamped
on their return.
These spaces will also be allocated on a
‘first come, first serve’ basis.
Discretion may be applied where a place is
needed due to exceptional circumstances.
Each academic year, vacant spaces made available by Year 6 leavers,
will be offered to new parents of the forthcoming new reception in-take.
Parents will be given the opportunity to register interest for siblings e.g. by stating how many places they require for their family.
Notification of these spaces and the deadline for ‘Expression of Interest’,
will be sent out to new parents following the New Parent Meeting in the Summer Term.
Parents will be requested to return their interest paper reply slips by a set date and will be date and time stamped on their return. These spaces will also be allocated on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis.
Discretion may be applied where a place is needed due to exceptional circumstances.
Useful Information
School Admission Service
Saltisford Office Park
Ansell Way
CV34 4UL
Tel: 01926 742037
School Admission Service
Saltisford Office Park
Ansell Way
CV34 4UL
Tel: 01926 742037
School Meals
Holiday Dates
Page last updated 150824
All Rights Reserved | Whitnash Primary School