Read Write Inc
Read Write Inc
Whitnash Primary School is committed to raising the standards of all pupil’s reading.
The school recognises the importance of ensuring that every child embeds an early understanding of phonics.
This supports the early development of reading skills, enjoyment for reading
and confidence.
The school, therefore, uses a structured and systematic approach for teaching phonics, early writing and reading skills.
The school uses a programme called
Read Write Inc.
Whitnash Primary School is committed to raising the standards of all pupil’s reading.
The school recognises the importance of ensuring that every child
embeds an early understanding of phonics.
This supports the early development of reading skills, enjoyment for reading and confidence.
The school, therefore, uses a structured and systematic approach for teaching phonics,
early writing and reading skills.
The school uses a programme called Read Write Inc.
Whitnash Primary School is committed to raising the standards of all pupil’s reading.
The school recognises the importance of ensuring that every child embeds an early understanding of phonics.
This supports the early development of reading skills, enjoyment for reading and confidence.
The school, therefore, uses a structured and systematic approach for teaching phonics, early writing and reading skills.
The school uses a programme called Read Write Inc.
Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy.
It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed
to create fluent readers,
confident speakers and willing writers.
Each Read Write Inc. programme meets
the higher expectations of
the National Curriculum
and uses effective assessment
to accelerate every child's progress
and prepare them for the end
of Key Stage National Curriculum Tests
and Year 1 Phonics Screening Assessment.
The implementation of Read Write Inc has led to a significant and rapid improvement in the school’s National Phonic Screening results.
The results improved by 23% in 2015/16.
Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin,
provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy.
It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers,
confident speakers and willing writers.
Each Read Write Inc. programme meets the higher expectations of the National Curriculum
and uses effective assessment to accelerate every child's progress and prepare them
for the end of Key Stage National Curriculum Tests
and Year 1 Phonics Screening Assessment.
The implementation of Read Write Inc has led to a significant and rapid improvement
in the school’s National Phonic Screening results.
The results improved by 23% in 2015/16.
Read Write Inc., developed by Ruth Miskin, provides a structured and systematic approach to teaching literacy.
It is used by more than a quarter of the UK's primary schools and is designed to create fluent readers,
confident speakers and willing writers.
Each Read Write Inc. programme meets the higher expectations of the National Curriculum
and uses effective assessment to accelerate every child's progress and prepare them for the end of Key Stage National Curriculum Tests
and Year 1 Phonics Screening Assessment.
The implementation and continued teaching of Read Write Inc has led to a significant improvement in the school’s National Phonic Screening results
over the last few years with 77% of our children passing the National Phonics Screening in 2023.
Information for parents
Fast Track Read,
Write Inc 1:1 Tutoring
Whitnash Primary School is keen to accelerate children's progress in reading,
using two core strategies:
Ensuring the teaching of phonics
is the best it can be.
This of course is the most efficient way
to speed up progress
for the majority of children.
We know that when Reading and Phonic lessons are of the highest standard,
the number of pupils who require
additional support reduces.
This is why our school is ensuring high-quality Read, Write Inc
provision for all children
from Reception to the End of Year 2.
This is a daily part
of our structured timetable
and is proving to make a huge difference
to the confidence of all children
with their reading.
Providing targeted support.
Even with the best teaching, a proportion of children need additional help and support.
This is particularly the case if they have missed time off school,
need support to concentrate in a group,
or have identified learning needs.
Fast Track Read, Write Inc 1:1 Tutoring
is used at Whitnash to provide this
targeted support where needed.
It is aimed at children who are making
the least progress,
or for children with an identified
Special Educational Need,
with the wider
Read, Write Inc programme.
It provides an opportunity
for extra daily practice
in reading sounds and words for
children 1:1 or in a very small group.
We know that children make rapid progress when they have individual support from an enthusiastic and well-trained adult.
That is why all of our school's
Teaching Assistants are fully trained in the delivery of Fast Track Read, Write Inc 1:1.
Fast Track Read, Write Inc 1:1 Tutoring
Whitnash Primary School is keen to accelerate children's progress in reading,
using two core strategies:
Ensuring the teaching of phonics is the best it can be.
This of course is the most efficient way to speed up progress for the majority of children.
We know that when Reading and Phonic lessons are of the highest standard,
the number of pupils who require additional support reduces.
This is why our school is ensuring high-quality Read, Write Inc provision
for all children from Reception to the End of Year 2.
This is a daily part of our structured timetable and is proving
to make a huge difference to the confidence of all children with their reading.
Providing targeted support.
Even with the best teaching, a proportion of children need additional help and support.
This is particularly the case if they have missed time off school,
need support to concentrate in a group, or have identified learning needs.
Fast Track Read, Write Inc 1:1 Tutoring is used at Whitnash
to provide this targeted support where needed.
It is aimed at children who are making the least progress,
or for children with an identified Special Educational Need,
with the wider Read, Write Inc programme.
It provides an opportunity for extra daily practice in reading sounds
and words for children 1:1 or in a very small group.
We know that children make rapid progress when they have individual support
from an enthusiastic and well-trained adult.
That is why all of our school's Teaching Assistants are fully trained
in the delivery of Fast Track Read, Write Inc 1:1.
Fast Track Read, Write Inc 1:1 Tutoring
Whitnash Primary School is keen to accelerate children's progress in reading, using two core strategies:
Ensuring the teaching of phonics is the best it can be.
This of course is the most efficient way to speed up progress for the majority of children.
We know that when Reading and Phonic lessons are of the highest standard,
the number of pupils who require additional support reduces.
This is why our school is ensuring high-quality Read, Write Inc provision for all children from Reception to the End of Year 2.
This is a daily part of our structured timetable
and is proving to make a huge difference to the confidence of all children with their reading.
Providing targeted support. Even with the best teaching, a proportion of children need additional help and support.
This is particularly the case if they have missed time off school,
need support to concentrate in a group, or have identified learning needs.
Fast Track Read, Write Inc 1:1 Tutoring is used at Whitnash to provide this targeted support where needed.
It is aimed at children who are making the least progress,
or for children with an identified Special Educational Need, with the wider Read, Write Inc programme.
It provides an opportunity for extra daily practice in reading sounds and words for children 1:1 or in a very small group.
We know that children make rapid progress when they have individual support from an enthusiastic and well-trained adult.
That is why all of our school's Teaching Assistants are fully trained in the delivery of Fast Track Read, Write Inc 1:1.
Click blue buttons for more information.
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