

We have been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools

Green Flag

We have been awarded a coveted

Eco-Schools Green Flag

We have been awarded a coveted Eco-Schools Green Flag

We  have earned an international accreditation this academic year, recognising our amazing work in making our school more environmentally friendly and raising eco-awareness in fellow pupils. 

We first formed an Eco-Committee, then collaborated with Mrs Henshaw to conduct an environmental review, assessing how eco-friendly our school is. We reviewed everything from biodiversity within our school grounds to how pupils and staff members travel to school. Building on our findings, together with Mrs Henshaw we then planned a year of action designed to advance our school’s green credentials, improve our local environment, and protect our planet. 

We  have earned an international accreditation this academic year, recognising our amazing work in making our school more environmentally friendly and raising eco-awareness in fellow pupils. 

We first formed an Eco-Committee,

then collaborated with Mrs Henshaw

to conduct an environmental review,

assessing how eco-friendly our school is.

We reviewed everything from biodiversity

within our school grounds to how pupils

and staff members travel to school.

Building on our findings, together with

Mrs Henshaw we then planned a year of

action designed to advance our school’s

green credentials, improve our local

environment, and protect our planet. 

The Eco-Committee has connected the

work to three Eco-Schools topics:

Biodiversity, School Grounds and Energy.

We then planned a variety of projects

including Wear it Wild, Black out Friday

and Environmental week based around

environmentally themed books. 

Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint,

said: “The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is

an internationally recognised symbol

of high environmental standards.

The pupils and school staff that earn the

award deserve immense credit for their

hard work, determination, and creativity.

Their passion for protecting our planet

 is an inspiration to us all.”

Given the escalating environmental crisis,

it is strongly felt that we are doing our school, children, community and planet

a disservice by not promoting the right education to address this serious issue.

Furthermore, it is no longer acceptable

to ignore the negative impact

schools have on the environment.

Schools generate a great deal of waste, and given the urgency of the evironmental crisis, it is no longer sustainable

for business to continue as usual.

Change is needed.


For many years Whitnash has tried

to develop an Eco School and due to other

priorities, it is often pushed aside.

Given the heighten news coverage, COP26

and young people’s involvement in the

environmental campaign, our school aims

to ensure that environmental awareness is

firmly injected into the heart of our school

Improvement agenda and the curriculum.


In an Ofsted report back in 2010,

Ofsted stated,

We want to ensure that the providers we inspect and regulate are contributing to a sustainable future’.

The Department of Education also states it

is committed to sustainable development

and believe it is important to prepare

young people for the future.

In addition, being a sustainable school is

argued to raise standards and enhance

young people’s wellbeing.

Therefore, by raising the profile of

environmental issues and having the high

expectation that such

issues remain a key focus of our work

will also enhance any judgements

made of our school in the future.

We  have earned an international accreditation this academic year, recognising our amazing work in making our school more environmentally friendly and raising eco-awareness in fellow pupils. 

We first formed an Eco-Committee, then collaborated with Mrs Henshaw to conduct an environmental review, assessing how eco-friendly our school is. We reviewed everything from biodiversity within our school grounds to how pupils and staff members travel to school. Building on our findings, together with Mrs Henshaw we then planned a year of action designed to advance our school’s green credentials, improve our local environment, and protect our planet. 

The Eco-Committee has connected the work to three Eco-Schools topics: Biodiversity, School Grounds and Energy. We then planned a variety of projects including Wear it Wild, Black out Friday and Environmental week based around environmentally themed books. 

Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, said: “The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The pupils and school staff that earn the award deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity. Their passion for protecting our planet is an inspiration to us all.”

Given the escalating environmental crisis, it is strongly felt that we are doing our school, children,

community and planet a disservice by not promoting the right education to address this serious issue.  Furthermore, it is no longer acceptable to ignore the negative impact schools

have on the environment. Schools generate a great deal of waste, and given the urgency of the environmental crisis, it is no longer sustainable for business to continue as usual.

Change is needed.


For many years Whitnash has tried to develop an Eco School and due to other priorities,

it is often pushed aside. Given the heighten news coverage, COP26 and young people’s involvement in the environmental campaign, our school aims to ensure that environmental awareness is firmly injected into the heart of our school Improvement agenda and the curriculum.


In an Ofsted report back in 2010, Ofsted stated,

We want to ensure that the providers we inspect and regulate

are contributing to a sustainable future’.

The Department of Education also states it is committed to sustainable development and believe it is important to prepare young people for the future. In addition, being a sustainable school is argued to raise standards and enhance young people’s wellbeing. Therefore, by raising the profile of environmental issues and having the high expectation that such issues remain a key focus of our work will also enhance any judgements made of our school in the future.

What is Eco-Schools?

Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable

schools programme in the world.

It is an international award programme

that guides schools on their sustainable

journey, providing a framework to help

embed these principles into curriculum

and the heart of school life.

Its mission is to help make every school

become sustainableand to bring about

behaviour change in young people and

those connected to them so that good

habits learned in schools are followed

through into homes and communities.

Through the award system it provides a

framework which helps schoolsto recognise

good environmental practice and identify

areas they need to improve on.​

As Eco-Schools we are able to enjoy and share many benefits which include:

  • Enhancing our school curriculum
  • Linking with the community and sharing our sustainable expertise
  • Improving our school and its environment
  • Saving money through energy saving and other sustainable activities
  • Receiving recognition and publicity for our sustainable achievements

The Eco-Committee has connected the work to three Eco-Schools topics: Biodiversity, School Grounds and Energy. We then planned a variety of projects including Wear it Wild, Black out Friday and Environmental week based around environmentally themed books. 

Eco-Schools England Manager, Adam Flint, said: “The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is an internationally recognised symbol of high environmental standards. The pupils and school staff that earn the award deserve immense credit for their hard work, determination, and creativity. Their passion for protecting our planet is an inspiration to us all.”

Given the escalating environmental crisis, it is strongly felt that we are doing our school, children, community and planet a disservice by not promoting the right education to address this serious issue.  Furthermore, it is no longer acceptable to ignore the negative impact schools have on the environment.  Schools generate a great deal of waste, and given the urgency of the environmental crisis,

it is no longer sustainable for business to continue as usual.  Change is needed.


For many years Whitnash has tried to develop an Eco School and due to other priorities, it is often pushed aside.  Given the heighten news coverage, COP26 and young people’s involvement in the environmental campaign, our school aims to ensure that environmental awareness is firmly injected into the heart of our school Improvement agenda and the curriculum.


In an Ofsted report back in 2010, Ofsted stated,

We want to ensure that the providers we inspect and regulate are contributing to a sustainable future’.

The Department of Education also states it is committed to sustainable development and believe it is important to prepare young people for the future.  In addition, being a sustainable school is argued to raise standards and enhance young people’s wellbeing.

Therefore, by raising the profile of environmental issues and having the high expectation that such issues remain a key focus of our work will also enhance any judgements made of our school in the future.

Whitnash Primary School is becoming

more environmentally active

through a cross-curriculum approach

and the Eco-school programme

as we endeavour and aim to:​

  • Include and engage staff, governors, pupils, parents and the local community in a commitment to improve the world today for tomorrow's children.
  • Share good practice with pupils, parents and the community thus encouraging them to adopt the initiatives.
  • Promote food and drink themes of their healthy eating schemes, improve school catering, reduce food and related waste and promote health awareness.
  • Conserve and monitor the use of energy and water.
  • Improve the local well-being of the wider community through their website and regular education for sustainable development related days or weeks of education and action.
  • Promote awareness of climate change through cross curricular activities and share the responsibility with the wider community for promoting and practising policies which show concern and care for the future of the global environment.​

What is Eco-Schools?

Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world.

It is an international award programme that guides schools on

their sustainable journey,providing a framework to help embed these principles

into curriculum and the heart of school life.

Its mission is to help make every school become sustainable and

to bring about behaviour change in young people

and those connected to them so that good habits learned in schools

are followed through into homes and communities.

Through the award system it provides a framework which helps schools to recognise

good environmental practice

and identify areas they need to improve on.​

As Eco-Schools we are able to enjoy and share many benefits which include:

  • Enhancing our school curriculum
  • Linking with the community and sharing our sustainable expertise
  • Improving our school and its environment
  • Saving money through energy saving and other sustainable activities
  • Receiving recognition and publicity for our sustainable achievements

Whitnash Primary School is becoming more environmentally active

through a cross-curriculum approach

and the Eco-school programme as we endeavour and aim to:​

  • Include and engage staff, governors, pupils, parents and the local community in a commitment to improve the world today for tomorrow's children.
  • Share good practice with pupils, parents and the community thus encouraging them to adopt the initiatives.
  • Promote food and drink themes of their healthy eating schemes, improve school catering, reduce food and related waste and promote health awareness.
  • Conserve and monitor the use of energy and water.
  • Improve the local well-being of the wider community through their website and regular education for sustainable development related days or weeks of education and action.
  • Promote awareness of climate change through cross curricular activities and share the responsibility with the wider community for promoting and practising policies which show concern and care for the future of the global environment.​New Paragraph

Eco-Schools is the largest sustainable schools programme in the world. It is an international award programme that guides schools on

their sustainable journey,providing a framework to help embed these principles into curriculum and the heart of school life.

Its mission is to help make every school become sustainable and to bring about behaviour change in young people and those

connected to them so that good habits learned in schools are followed through into homes and communities.

Through the award system it provides a framework which helps schoolsto recognise good environmental practice

and identify areas they need to improve on.​

As Eco-Schools we are able to enjoy and share many benefits which include:

  • Enhancing our school curriculum
  • Linking with the community and sharing our sustainable expertise
  • Improving our school and its environment
  • Saving money through energy saving and other sustainable activities
  • Receiving recognition and publicity for our sustainable achievements

Whitnash Primary School is becoming more environmentally active through a cross-curriculum approach

and the Eco-school programme as we endeavour and aim to:​

  • Include and engage staff, governors, pupils, parents and the local community in a commitment to improve the world today for tomorrow's children.
  • Share good practice with pupils, parents and the community thus encouraging them to adopt the initiatives.
  • Promote food and drink themes of their healthy eating schemes, improve school catering, reduce food and related waste and promote health awareness.
  • Conserve and monitor the use of energy and water.
  • Improve the local well-being of the wider community through their website and regular education for sustainable development related days or weeks of education and action.
  • Promote awareness of climate change through cross curricular activities and share the responsibility with the wider community for promoting and practising policies which show concern and care for the future of the global environment.​New Paragraph

For more information about our school's approach please click on the links below: 

For more information about our school's approach please click on the links below: 


School Travel Statement/Strategy

View Document

Action Plan

View Document

Environment Review 2023

View Document

Environment Review 2023

View Document


School Travel Statement/Strategy

View Document

Action Plan

View Document

Environment Review


View Document

Environment Review


View Document

Eco-School Programme

Session Aims

Develop an understanding of the Eco-Schools programme, including: 

  • It’s vision, values and ethos 
  • The Seven Steps
  • The Ten Eco-Schools Topic

The Ethos​

  • We are positive
  • We are long-term
  • We are supportive
  • we are flexible
  • We believe in young people

The Seven Steps

  • Form an Eco-Committee
  • Complete the Eco-Schools Environmental Review
  • Decide on an Action Plan
  • Gather environmental Curriculum Links
  • Inform and Involve others
  • Monitor and Evaluate projects in the Action Plan
  • Create the Eco-Code

Ten Topics​

  • Biodiversity
  • Energy
  • Global Citizenship
  • Healthy Living
  • Litter
  • Marine
  • School Grounds
  • Transport
  • Waste
  • Water

Environmental Leaders

Each year, children will be able to apply to

become their classes Environmental Leader.

To apply, children are asked to write

a short paragraph about why they feel they

should be nominated as their classes

Environmental Leader.

They will be selected based on their passion

for making a difference to our planet

and the environment.

Elected Environmental Leaders will work with

a group of our staff who have put

themselves forward to join our

'Green Working Party'.

Together they will create our annual

Sustainability Action Plan and work towards

raising the profile of environmental issues

in school, locally and wider.

They will also decide on key initiatives,

measure our school progress and report

back to the governors, parents,

and their peers

on the progress our school has made.


The Green Working Party

This party is made up of staff members

who are passionate about raising the

profile of environment education

and sustainability. Staff members put

themselves forward to work on the school's

green initiatives, support our Environmental

Leaders, lead assemblies with children and

support the school with the implementation

of the Eco-Schools Programme and

progress with our Sustainability Action Plan

and the wider School Improvement Plan

environment target.

Environmental Leaders

Each year, children will be able to apply to become their classes Environmental Leader.

To apply, children are asked to write a short paragraph about why they feel they should be nominated as their classes Environmental Leader. They will be selected based on their passion for making a difference to our planet and the environment. Elected Environmental Leaders will work with a group of our staff who have put themselves forward to join our 'Green Working Party'. Together they will create our annual Sustainability Action Plan and work towards raising the profile of environmental issues in school, locally and wider. They will also decide on key initiatives, measure our school progress and report back to the governors, parents, and their peers on the progress our school has made.


The Green Working Party

This party is made up of staff members who are passionate about raising the profile of environment education and sustainability. Staff members put themselves forward to work on the school's green initiatives, support our Environmental Leaders, lead assemblies with children and support the school with the implementation of the Eco-Schools Programme and progress with our Sustainability Action Plan and the wider School Improvement Plan environment target.

Welcome to our


Our Eco-Council consist of pupils from each year group, who meet regularly

to share ideas and to work towards

the Green Flag Award.

The eco monitors had their first meeting and their roles and job for this term were explained. We now have teams of children making sure lights and electrical equipment are being turned off when not in use, taps are being turned off so water is not wasted and litter is being controlled. Litter monitors are taking part in regular litter picks and are also putting fruit waste into the school compost bin. Energy and Water monitors will be completing some surveys of our school to determine how many automatic lights, taps and hand dryers we have in school to inform future planning as well as putting up posters. 

Gardening club have also been helping complete some actions towards our biodiversity goals by planting a pine tree, making bird feeders and taking part in a bird watch.

The eco monitors had their first meeting and their roles and job for this term were explained. We now have teams of children making sure lights and electrical equipment are being turned off when not in use, taps are being turned off so water is not wasted and litter is being controlled. Litter monitors are taking part in regular litter picks and are also putting fruit waste into the school compost bin. Energy and Water monitors will be completing some surveys of our school to determine how many automatic lights, taps and hand dryers we have in school to inform future planning as well as putting up posters. 

Gardening club have also been helping complete some actions towards our biodiversity goals by planting a pine tree, making bird feeders and taking part in a bird watch.

The eco monitors had their first meeting and their roles and job for this term were explained. We now have teams of children making sure lights and electrical equipment are being turned off when not in use, taps are being turned off so water is not wasted and litter is being controlled. Litter monitors are taking part in regular litter picks and are also putting fruit waste into the school compost bin. Energy and Water monitors will be completing some surveys of our school to determine how many automatic lights, taps and hand dryers we have in school to inform future planning as well as putting up posters. 

Gardening club have also been helping complete some actions towards our biodiversity goals by planting a pine tree, making bird feeders and taking part in a bird watch.

Environmental Leaders

Each year, children will be able to apply to become their classes Environmental Leader. 

To apply, children are asked to write a short paragraph about why they feel they should be

nominated as their classes Environmental Leader. 

They will be selected based on their passion for making a difference

to our planet and the environment.

Elected Environmental Leaders will work with a group of our staff who have put themselves

forward to join our 'Green Working Party'.

Together they will create our annual Sustainability Action Plan and work towards raising the profile

of environmental issues in school, locally and wider.

They will also decide on key initiatives, measure our school progress

and report back to the governors, parents,

and their peers on the progress our school has made.


The Green Working Party

This party is made up of staff members who are passionate about raising

the profile of environment education and sustainability.

Staff members put themselves forward to work on the school's green initiatives,

support our Environmental Leaders, lead assemblies with children and support the school

with the implementation of the Eco-Schools Programme and progress with

our Sustainability Action Plan and the wider School Improvement Plan environment target.

Environmental Leaders

Each year, children will be able to apply to become their classes Environmental Leader. 

To apply, children are asked to write a short paragraph about why they feel they should be nominated as their classes Environmental Leader.  They will be selected based on their passion for making a difference to our planet and the environment.

Elected Environmental Leaders will work with a group of our staff who have put themselves forward to join our 'Green Working Party'. Together they will create our annual Sustainability Action Plan and work towards raising the profile of environmental issues in school, locally and wider. They will also decide on key initiatives, measure our school progress and report back to the governors, parents,

and their peers on the progress our school has made.


The Green Working Party

This party is made up of staff members who are passionate about raising the profile of environment education and sustainability.

Staff members put themselves forward to work on the school's green initiatives, support our Environmental Leaders, lead assemblies with children and support the school with the implementation of the Eco-Schools Programme and progress with our Sustainability Action Plan and the wider School Improvement Plan environment target.

What’s more, by addressing environmental issues in school
and reducing waste,
we save money, which can be reinvested elsewhere. 
What’s more, by addressing environmental issues in school and reducing waste,
we save money, which can be reinvested elsewhere. 

Page last updated 010924

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