Welcome to Year 3
Welcome to Year 3 2024/25
Maple Class
Sycamore Class
Mrs Ford
Miss Grant
Maple Class
Sycamore Class
Maple Class
Sycamore Class
Mrs Ford
Miss Grant
Mrs Ford
Miss Grant
Click blue buttons for more information.
What we are learning
What we are reading
Stone Age Boy
by Satoshi Kitamura
Step back 15,000 years as a modern boy
enters a Stone Age village and learns
a few prehistoric tricks of the trade.
One day a boy falls down a hole,
and an amazing thing happens — when he
wakes, he’s in a camp full of people
wearing animal skins!
The Boy with
the Bronze Axe
by Kathleen Fidler
This is the story of life
nearly 3,000 years ago.
Kali and Brockan are in trouble.
They have been using their stone axes
to chip limpets off the rocks,
but they've gone too far out and find
themselves trapped by the tides.
Then, an unexpected rescuer appears,
a strange boy in a strange boat,
carrying a strangely sharp axe of a type
they had never seen before.
Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
Step back 15,000 years as a modern boy enters a Stone Age village and learns a few prehistoric tricks of the trade. One day a boy falls down a hole, and an amazing thing happens — when he wakes, he’s in a camp full of people wearing animal skins!
Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura
Step back 15,000 years as a modern boy enters a Stone Age village and learns a few prehistoric tricks of the trade. One day a boy falls down a hole, and an amazing thing happens — when he wakes, he’s in a camp full of people wearing animal skins!
The Boy with the Bronze Axe by Kathleen Fidler
This is the story of life nearly 3,000 years ago. Kali and Brockan are in trouble. They have been using their stone axes to chip limpets off the rocks, but they've gone too far out and find themselves trapped by the tides. Then, an unexpected rescuer appears, a strange boy in a strange boat, carrying a strangely sharp axe of a type they had never seen before.
The Boy with the Bronze Axe by Kathleen Fidler
This is the story of life nearly 3,000 years ago. Kali and Brockan are in trouble. They have been using their stone axes to chip limpets off the rocks, but they've gone too far out and find themselves trapped by the tides. Then, an unexpected rescuer appears, a strange boy in a strange boat, carrying a strangely sharp axe of a type they had never seen before.
Stig of the Dump
by Clive King
Barney is a solitary little boy,
given to wandering off by himself.
One day he is lying on the edge
of a disused chalk-pit when it gives way
and he lands in a sort of cave.
Here he meets somebody with a lot of
shaggy hair and two bright black eyes'
wearing a rabbit skin and
speaking in grunts. He names him Stig.
Of course nobody believes Barney when he
tells his family all about Stig, but for Barney
cave-man Stig is totally real.
Stig of the Dump by Clive King
Barney is a solitary little boy, given to wandering off by himself. One day he is lying on the edge of a disused chalk-pit when it gives way and he lands in a sort of cave. Here he meets somebody with a lot of shaggy hair and two bright black eyes wearing a rabbit skin and speaking in grunts. He names him Stig. Of course nobody believes Barney when he tells his family all about Stig, but for Barney cave-man Stig is totally real.
Stig of the Dump by Clive King
Barney is a solitary little boy, given to wandering off by himself. One day he is lying on the edge of a disused chalk-pit when it gives way and he lands in a sort of cave. Here he meets somebody with a lot of shaggy hair and two bright black eyes wearing a rabbit skin and speaking in grunts. He names him Stig. Of course nobody believes Barney when he tells his family all about Stig, but for Barney cave-man Stig is totally real.
Compton Verney
Year 3 visited Compton Verney
where the children became
Stone Age Settlers for the day
and learnt lots of new Stone Age Skills.
In the studio, the children took part in three
different activities: handling artefacts
and learning more about them,
making Stone Age jewellery
and pots from clay and also creating
their own class Cave Painting.
In the outside Forest School activities, Year 3
learnt how to make flatbread,
how to spark a fire,
how to make a Stone Age home
by weaving long sticks in and out
and using wattle and daub to insulate
the walls and finally den building.
It was a fantastic day working
as Stone Age Settlers and the children
definitely learnt
a lot of new Stone Age skills!
Compton Verney
Year 3 visited Compton Verney where the
children became Stone Age Settlers for the day
and learnt lots of new Stone Age Skills.
In the studio, the children took part in three
different activities: handling artefacts and
learning more about them, making Stone Age
jewellery and pots from clay and also creating
their own class Cave Painting.
In the outside Forest School activities,
Year 3 learnt how to make flatbread,
how to spark a fire,
how to make a Stone Age home
by weaving long sticks in and out
and using wattle and daub to insulate the walls
and finally den building.
It was a fantastic day working as Stone Age
Settlers and the children definitely learnt
a lot of new Stone Age skills!
Compton Verney
Year 3 visited Compton Verney where the children
became Stone Age Settlers for the day
and learnt lots of new Stone Age Skills.
In the studio, the children took part in three different activities:
handling artefacts and learning more about them,
making Stone Age jewellery and pots from clay
and also creating their own class Cave Painting.
In the outside Forest School activities, Year 3 learnt
how to make flatbread, how to spark a fire,
how to make a Stone Age home
by weaving long sticks in and out
and using wattle and daub to insulate the walls
and finally den building.
It was a fantastic day working as Stone Age Settlers
and the children definitely learnt
a lot of new Stone Age skills!
Maple Class visited the local Dementia Cafe
at Whitnash Civic Centre where they
performed a range of different
Christmas carols!
They even had some special requests
they were so good!
The children behaved impeccably
and were such wonderful role models
for our school that they have been asked
to visit again in the new year!
Maple Class visited the local Dementia Cafe
at Whitnash Civic Centre where they performed
a range of different Christmas carols!
They even had some special requests
they were so good! The children behaved
impeccably and were such wonderful role
models for our school that they have been
asked to visit again in the new year!
Maple Class visited the local Dementia Cafe
at Whitnash Civic Centre where they performed
a range of different Christmas carols!
They even had some special requests they were so good!
The children behaved impeccably and were such wonderful role
models for our school that they have been asked
to visit again in the new year!
Page last updated 090125
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