Home/School Agreement
Home/School Agreement
Whitnash Primary School’s vision and ethos is best achieved by fostering a close working partnership with our families. Therefore, our school has a Home/School Agreement, which staff, pupils and parents are requested to follow. Not only does it set out the school’s responsibilities towards its pupils, it also highlights the responsibilities of the pupils and their parents/carers to enable the very best for our children. The aim is to strengthen the partnership between home and school and make clear the respective roles, responsibilities and expectations so that our children can thrive.
Pupil and Parent/Carers Expectations of the School
The school will make every effort to ensure your child reaches his/her full potential by:
The School's Expectations of Parents/Carers and Pupils
Parents/Carers will make every effort ensure their child reaches his/her full potential by:
Children will make every effort to:
Code of Classroom Behaviour
Out of Class Conduct
Home/School Agreement
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