
After School Club


After School Club

Miss Gilfillan

Mr Collins

Mrs Miller

Mrs Reading

Miss Gilfillan

Mr Collins

Mrs Miller

Mrs Reading

Before and after school care at

Whitnash Primary School

is provided by the school.

Our club is called, ‘Treetops’.

​Reminders about the details

about session times, charges, and all the fun the children will have at Treetops

can be found below.

If you have any questions please contact

Mrs Donna Ellison, Headteacher at 

or contact the main school office

on our return to school

who will put you in touch

with the appropriate staff.

At Whitnash Primary,

Treetops is able to offer a friendly

'home from home' environment

where children can enjoy themselves

and relax after a busy day at school.


The club provides out of hours play activities where children are safe and secure

and supervised by qualified

and experienced staff.

Before and after school care at Whitnash Primary School is provided by the school.

Our club is called, ‘Treetops’.

​Reminders about the details about session times, charges, and all the fun

the children will have at Treetops can be found below.

If you have any questions please contact

Mrs Donna Ellison, Headteacher at 


contact the main school office on our return to school

who will put you in touch with the appropriate staff.

At Whitnash Primary,

Treetops is able to offer a friendly 'home from home' environment

where children can enjoy themselves and relax after a busy day at school.


The club provides out of hours play activities where children are safe and secure and supervised

by qualified and experienced staff.

Before and after school care at Whitnash Primary School is provided by the school.

Our club is called, ‘Treetops’.

​Reminders about the details about session times, charges, and all the fun the children will have at Treetops can be found below.

If you have any questions please contact

Mrs Donna Ellison, Headteacher at 

or contact the main school office on our return to school who will put you in touch with the appropriate staff.

At Whitnash Primary,

Treetops is able to offer a friendly 'home from home' environment

where children can enjoy themselves and relax after a busy day at school.


The club provides out of hours play activities where children are safe and secure and supervised by qualified and experienced staff.

Times + Prices

3.15pm - 4:15pm – £4.50

3:15pm - 5:15pm - £7.50

3.15pm - 4:15pm – £4.50

3:15pm - 5:15pm - £7.50

Parents can book the shorter session,

or the longer session.

The club runs for a maximum

of 2 hours per day.

Collection times are strictly 4:15pm or 5:15pm

to ensure these pick-up times

can be suitably managed and supervised.

School site also closes at 5:15pm

so there is no flexibility for late collections.

Parents can book the shorter session, or the longer session.

The club runs for a maximum of 2 hours per day.

Collection times are strictly 4:15pm or 5:15pm to ensure these pick-up times

can be suitably managed and supervised.

School site also closes at 5:15pm so there is no flexibility for late collections.

Parents can book the shorter session, or the longer session.

The club runs for a maximum of 2 hours per day.

Collection times are strictly 4:15pm or 5:15pm to ensure these pick-up times can be suitably managed and supervised.

School site also closes at 5:15pm so there is no flexibility for late collections.

Tea Provision

The prices quoted above include

2 biscuits and a drink. 

Tea can be booked at an additional cost.

There are currently 3 options:

The prices quoted above include 2 biscuits and a drink. 

Tea can be booked at an additional cost. There are currently 3 options:


No tea

Little Acorn Tea

Acorn Tea







3/4 sandwich + crudité / fruit

3/4 sandwich + crudité / fruit + biscuit


No tea

Little Acorn Tea

Acorn Tea







3/4 sandwich + crudité / fruit

3/4 sandwich + crudité / fruit + biscuit

The tea provision is outsourced

to Educaterers.


Every day is a “fun day” at Treetops

and staff will work hard to ensure

a safe and fun after-school provision.

Activities at Treetops are organised

in the school Thrive Room setting.

 The children at the club will have access to a range of pre-planned activities, including:

  • Art and Craft
  • Outside play opportunities
  • Board games
  • Table top or floor toys
  • Book and a cosy reading zone
  • Films and computer based fun learning games
  • Forest School style opportunities

Every day is a “fun day” at Treetops and staff will work hard to ensure a safe and fun after-school provision.

Activities at Treetops are organised in the school Thrive Room setting.

 The children at the club will have access to a range of pre-planned activities, including:

  • Art and Craft
  • Outside play opportunities
  • Board games
  • Table top or floor toys
  • Book and a cosy reading zone
  • Films and computer based fun learning games
  • Forest School style opportunities

Activities will vary from day-to-day

to support

children’s enjoyment and interests.

The club will respond to national festivals,

events and fun topics to add additional

interest and purpose.

To ensure that there is a homelier,

comfortable feel to the after-school club,

children will be asked to bring

a pair of slippers each day.

These can be left in school for ease.

Each child will also need a pair of wellies

for outdoor activities.

Please could you ensure items are labelled

with your child’s name.

Treetops will maintain a good staffing ratio

to ensure that the adults are available

to play with the children,

support them and inspire them

and make sure that they are

happy and settled.

Provision will be limited to a maximum of

20-22 children at all times.

This will ensure a consistent adult ratio of

1 adult per 7-8 children.

This high ratio will help ensure your child’s

safety and ensure that the club is able

to facilitate a wide range of activities.

We like to find out about your child

before they join

so that we know their likes and dislikes – we

even give new children a “Buddy”

when they start,

a friend that will look after them

as well as the staff

always being there for them.

We believe that your child

will be in a happy,

fun, safe and caring environment

whilst at Treetops and hope that all children

who attend have an enjoyable time.

Activities will vary from day-to-day to support children’s enjoyment and interests.

The club will respond to national festivals, events and fun topics to add additional interest and purpose.

To ensure that there is a homelier, comfortable feel to the after-school club,

children will be asked to bring a pair of slippers each day.

These can be left in school for ease.

Each child will also need a pair of wellies for outdoor activities.

Please could you ensure items are labelled with your child’s name.

Treetops will maintain a good staffing ratio to ensure that the adults are available to play with the children,

support them and inspire them and make sure that they are happy and settled.

Provision will be limited to a maximum of 20-22 children at all times.

This will ensure a consistent adult ratio of 1 adult per 7-8 children.

This high ratio will help ensure your child’s safety and ensure that the club is able

to facilitate a wide range of activities.

We like to find out about your child before they join

so that we know their likes and dislikes – we even give new children a “Buddy” when they start,

a friend that will look after them as well as the staff always being there for them.

We believe that your child will be in a happy, fun, safe and caring environment

whilst at Treetops and hope that all children who attend have an enjoyable time.

Activities will vary from day-to-day to support children’s enjoyment and interests.

The club will respond to national festivals, events and fun topics to add additional interest and purpose.

To ensure that there is a homelier, comfortable feel to the after-school club, children will be asked to bring a pair of slippers each day.

These can be left in school for ease.

Each child will also need a pair of wellies for outdoor activities.

Please could you ensure items are labelled with your child’s name.

Treetops will maintain a good staffing ratio to ensure that the adults are available to play with the children,

support them and inspire them and make sure that they are happy and settled.

Provision will be limited to a maximum of 20-22 children at all times.

This will ensure a consistent adult ratio of 1 adult per 7-8 children.

This high ratio will help ensure your child’s safety and ensure that the club is able to facilitate a wide range of activities.

We like to find out about your child before they join

so that we know their likes and dislikes – we even give new children a “Buddy” when they start,

a friend that will look after them as well as the staff always being there for them.

We believe that your child will be in a happy, fun, safe and caring environment

whilst at Treetops and hope that all children who attend have an enjoyable time.

Page last updated 150824

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