Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Intent

The intent for our school curriculum is underpinned by our whole-school vision:

The importance of the ‘Whitnash Family’ is at the heart of everything we do because Whitnash Primary cares deeply for our pupils, staff and community. 


We want our children to thrive. We have high aspirations for all our pupils, and we nurture their achievement and progress through relentless positivity.


We care about our children’s future and because of this, we are committed to ensuring that all children achieve highly, regardless of their starting point, through our enriched and inclusive curriculum.


We instil the values of caring, empathy and kindness and are a consistent model of ‘unconditional positive regard’ for all. We teach our children the importance of relationships and these essential life skills and promote everybody’s right to learn, to be respected and listened to, and to feel safe and be safe. These values and ambitions are embedded in our culture and ethos at Whitnash Primary School.


We are proud of our school, what we have achieved, and our ambition for the future.

The intent for our school curriculum is underpinned by our whole-school vision:

The importance of the ‘Whitnash Family’ is at the heart of everything we do because

Whitnash Primary cares deeply for our pupils, staff and community. 


We want our children to thrive. We have high aspirations for all our pupils,

and we nurture their achievement and progress through relentless positivity.


We care about our children’s future and because of this, we are committed to ensuring that all children achieve highly, regardless of their starting point, through our enriched and inclusive curriculum.


We instil the values of caring, empathy and kindness and are a consistent model of ‘unconditional positive regard’ for all. We teach our children the importance of relationships and these essential life skills and promote everybody’s right to learn, to be respected and listened to, and to feel safe and be safe.

These values and ambitions are embedded in our culture and ethos at Whitnash Primary School.


We are proud of our school, what we have achieved, and our ambition for the future.

The intent for our school curriculum is underpinned by our whole-school vision:

The importance of the ‘Whitnash Family’ is at the heart of everything we do because

Whitnash Primary cares deeply for our pupils, staff and community. 


We want our children to thrive. We have high aspirations for all our pupils, and we nurture their achievement

and progress through relentless positivity.


We care about our children’s future and because of this, we are committed to ensuring that all children achieve highly,

 regardless of their starting point, through our enriched and inclusive curriculum.


We instil the values of caring, empathy and kindness and are a consistent model of ‘unconditional positive regard’ for all.

We teach our children the importance of relationships and these essential life skills

and promote everybody’s right to learn, to be respected

and listened to, and to feel safe and be safe.

These values and ambitions are embedded in our culture

and ethos at Whitnash Primary School.


We are proud of our school, what we have achieved, and our ambition for the future.

This vision and ethos are well-embedded at

our school and this ambition drives all we

seek to achieve for our children.

Overtime, we  have been continually

re-crafting our approach to teaching

and learning, endeavouring all the while

to get closer to our ambition.

We are continually seeking to ensure

that all we offer in the way of teaching

and learning at our school

is carefully designed for, and pertinent to,

the children in our care.

Not only do we seek to meet the

requirements of a broad, balanced,

challenging, and inclusive

curriculum for all children,

but to also reflect the unique needs of our

pupils and build their 'cultural capital'.

We are confident that our bespoke

curriculum approach encompasses all that

our children require to become confident

and successful learners, as well as kind,

empathetic and confident individuals.


Our curriculum has our desire

for all children to ‘thrive’

woven through the centre.

The ‘Thrive Approach’ is our carefully

selected provision for supporting children’s

mental health and well-being,

as it wholeheartedly reflects the positive,

nurturing ethos of our school.

However, the wider use of the term,

‘thrive’, describes perfectly what we truly

desire for our children.

This vision and ethos are well-embedded at our school and this ambition drives all we seek to achieve for our children. Overtime, we  have been continually re-crafting our approach to teaching and learning, endeavouring all the while to get closer to our ambition. We are continually seeking to ensure that all we offer in the way of teaching and learning at our school is carefully designed for, and pertinent to, the children in our care. Not only do we seek to meet the requirements of a broad, balanced, challenging, and inclusive curriculum for all children, but to also reflect the unique needs of our pupils and build their 'cultural capital'. We are confident that our bespoke curriculum approach encompasses all that our children require to become confident and successful learners, as well as kind, empathetic and confident individuals.


Our curriculum has our desire for all children to ‘thrive’ woven through the centre.

The ‘Thrive Approach’ is our carefully selected provision for supporting children’s mental health

and well-being, as it wholeheartedly reflects the positive, nurturing ethos of our school.

However, the wider use of the term, ‘thrive’, describes perfectly

what we truly desire for our children.

This vision and ethos are well-embedded at our school and this ambition drives all we seek to achieve for our children.

Overtime, we  have been continually re-crafting our approach to teaching and learning,

endeavouring all the while to get closer to our ambition.

We are continually seeking to ensure that all we offer in the way of teaching and learning at our school is carefully designed for,

and pertinent to, the children in our care.

Not only do we seek to meet the requirements of a broad, balanced, challenging, and inclusive curriculum for all children,

but to also reflect the unique needs of our pupils and build their 'cultural capital'.

We are confident that our bespoke curriculum approach encompasses all that our children require to become confident

and successful learners, as well as kind, empathetic and confident individuals.


Our curriculum has our desire for all children to ‘thrive’ woven through the centre.

The ‘Thrive Approach’ is our carefully selected provision for supporting children’s mental health and well-being,

as it wholeheartedly reflects the positive, nurturing ethos of our school.

However, the wider use of the term, ‘thrive’, describes perfectly what we truly desire for our children.

The drivers for all aspects of our curriculum have been identified solely with our children in mind. At Whitnash Primary School, we have designed a curriculum to drive our children’s:

  • Wealth of experiences
  • Engagement in learning
  • Thinking and enquiry skills
  • Health and well-being
  • Resilient and resourceful approaches
  • Inclusiveness and independence
  • Visions and values
  • Environment

These drivers reflect the fundamental needs of our pupils and what we believe should be our children’s entitlement from a high-quality education. These carefully selected drivers have supported, informed and determined our curriculum decision-making. As a result, not only is our curriculum ethos strong and well-embedded, but our school has fostered a consistent approach to all aspects of learning.

These drivers reflect the fundamental needs of our pupils and what we believe should be our

children’s entitlement from a high-quality education.

These carefully selected drivers have supported, informed

and determined our curriculum decision-making.

As a result, not only is our curriculum ethos strong and well-embedded, but our school

has fostered a consistent approach to all aspects of learning.

These drivers reflect the fundamental needs of our pupils and what we believe should be our children’s entitlement

from a high-quality education. These carefully selected drivers have supported,

informed and determined our curriculum decision-making.

As a result, not only is our curriculum ethos strong and well-embedded,

but our school has fostered a consistent approach to all aspects of learning.

Page last updated 140824

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